Friday, September 02, 2005

Dear San Antonio, I hate you.

Read this.

Now read my diatribe:

Dear Chip Haass,
You are a dumbass. I can say this because you were once my HS baseball coach, and you sucked at that too. So let's see, there are God knows how many people dying in New Orleans, and you are worried about getting the New Orleans Saints to play in the Alamodome. And there are business men who are going to PAY Benson money to move the Saints here. WHAT THE F**K. How about you use that money to get food and water to the people who need it instead of bringing a sub-par football team whose payroll could feed all those who need help. That just disgusts me. Mr. Haass, you suck at life.

-Eric Domkowski
Saint Mary's Hall, class of 2003.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. oh chip, always such a weirdo